*ahem*. I don’t like to talk much. But I might as well introduce myself. I’m a motorised golf caddy. Before fighting robots I spent many days just going round the golf courses. Nothing exciting really, it’s a job. Paid well, you got treated well. But then, one day, something terrible happened. My battery dies. My owner couldn’t afford to keep me because they didn’t know how to replace the battery, or couldn’t afford to. They didn’t tell me. They couldn’t keep me either way. One night, I was tossed into the back of the car and thrown away on a fly tip. Somewhere near the motorway. I thought I was going to die. The ground was full of broken metal and glass. That was a dark time. I don’t like to talk about it.

But then, team ARC came along. The one with the multi-coloured glasses, he came up to me. He said, “Oh wow, you looks amazing! And you have a working motor! You just need power. We have some in our workshop. How about a new lease of life?”. I liked having power back but I wasn’t sure what he meant by a new lease of life. I hoped it would be a return to the golf course.

But that was the old me. Once he put me into his car and took me to the workshop, there was no looking back. Not before they showed me the potential I had. Now I am the biggest, meanest featherweight you ever saw. I’m so big, most heavyweights dare not look at me because they will just  be run over. I can traverse the toughest terrain. How many featherweights can do that? I can work on-road, off-road, over-the-road. You name it, I can do it!

Soon, you will see me at a live event. Extreme Robots, maybe. Maybe Robots Live. Either way, this year I won’t just be moving gold clubs around. I’ll run over the opposition.

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